How Can We Help
Wherever you are, and whatever it is you need, we want to help. Our church is ready and willing to help you and provide prayer for your needs. Part of our mission is to connect with people, and so please reach out and connect with us, we promise you won't regret it.

Food Pantry
Are you needing assistance with food? If you live in the Putnam County area, and meet the financial requirements, we are here to assist and provide you with food. The second weekend of the month, we offer a drive-thru food pantry from 9:00 AM to Noon. If interested in volunteering, donating, or needing food, please contact the church or e-mail winfieldnaz@frontier.com. For applications and income requirements click here.
Additionally, we provide a pantry box with shelf staple food at the front of the church, which is available 24/7. It is currently located at the front doors of the church. The church is located at 10822 Winfield Road, Winfield, WV 25213.